Our thriller is a psychological thriller aimed at 16+ year olds. As this is our target audience, we used younger actors rather than older ones as they'd appeal to the lower spectrum as well as the older. Our storyline would keep an audience of this age interested and wanting to watch the entire film. Through interviews, I gathered that 16-18 year olds would only continue watching the film if there were twists in the plot and they had to figure aspects of the film out themselves. The title of our film is simple, therefore our target audience will have an idea of the plot and decide if they want to watch it or not.
When we showed our rough cut to our peers, we realised that not many of them understood the plot, therefore we changed our target audience to an older age. We also noticed that our thriller appealed more to males because of the violent and mysterious plot.
Prior to the cinema screening, we gained an audience through twitter and Facebook. This was successful as our target audience tend to use these websites a lot. We also advertised our film on YouTube and in class.
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