Wednesday 26 December 2012

Research: Intertexuality

Intertexuality is a term used to describe the  transformation or borrowing of texts from another. The term can describe the visual referencing between films. Certain aspects of a film such as camera angles, editing, sound and mise en scene could be 'borrowed' and then can be noticed by the audience as they watch the film that has used this feature. It would be a popular scene or theme for it to be continuously  used by other films. Examples of how intertexuality is used is demonstrated as follows:

Scream (1996)

The film Scream is an original move where various aspects are used throughout different films as the years go on...

Specifically listen to the line "What's your favourite scary movie?"

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie is a spoof of Scream. Sequels are continuously being made for Scary Movie to follow up the films of Scream and use some of the same jokes, dialogue and mise en scene, for example:

Now listen as the same line is used "What's your favourite scary movie?"

Scream is famous for the 'Scream Mask', the killer character in the white mask and black costume.This aspect of mise en scene has made a big impact in various movies and is a good example of intertexuality. It is even used in reality, for Halloween costumes and so forth.

This video shows more examples of intertexuality!

Intertexuality can influence our own thriller film as we could also 'borrow' a feature that is popular and well known that we could use. Which then the audience would recognise and be more familiar with.

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